2 Bookmarks I finished today.
I got this embellishment from some of my daughters old clothes.
My felts arrived today too, so working on projects with them too. I am going to have to start selling some bits as I have no room left now.
Also some patches I made today, I have been a busy little bee today.
It takes ages to make each patch as I stitch round the edges too.
Hi thanks for stopping by my blog, I thought I'd do the same and take a look at yours especially as I have a lot of family in Co.Wexford, my gran was from there a town called Enniscorthy, I have yet to visit Ireland but I will do one day.
Your bookmarks are lovely, its amazing isnt it to see so many new and interesting crafty ideas on all the lovely blogs out there in cyberspace!
Em xx
Hia thanks Em, I know Enniscorthy well, its a small world really isn't it. Its 10 miles away from our house, and I shop there all the time, its a lovely town. I am new to Blogging and I am so amazed at some of the things I have seen that people have made, its brilliant we get to see them all.
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