
Monday, 12 September 2011


Please please please can someone invent something that gives us all more time in the day.... I really could do with a few extra hours each day... Even if it would cost £1 per extra hour! I would subscribe to 3 extra hours a day for the next year..:O)

I have a few projects on the go at the moment and no spare hours to finish them. I am being kept very busy by a hungry, noisy 3 month old.. But if I had to choose between finishing the projects and snuggling him, I would pick him every time!!! Love Love Love my new baby boy!!!  I have been gathering a few ideas for projects that I want to start when he gets a bit bigger and I manage to locate a few spare hours.

The ones below I am itching to finish, and I am sure one day I will.

These patches below I started while in hospital for 8 weeks before having Finn, I had to find something to do during the day, being stuck on a ward with no telly....

One day soon it they will be turned into a super large quilt for our queen size bed.. I have worked out I will need to sew about 750 altogether and have so far only managed 300 or so... I have not counted recently.. They are very time consuming to make though.  Made from 2 separate square patches with 4oz wading in the middle...

My second creation I really must finish soon is below. A teddy based on the teddy I made last year for my mums birthday (Berti Bear)... This one is for my Aunt who is currently in hospital battling cancer, she has been in for 3 nearly 4 weeks now after having 2 major ops, and is slowly recovering now, but still very ill.  I want to send her a bear to cheer her up.  

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